Monday, October 27, 2008


Being sleep deprived causes me to be very irritable, cranky, depressed, achy, and just feel all -around awful. PMS might have something to do with this as well. It's a bad combo lemme tell you.

Things getting me down:
-There is absolutely NOTHING around my apartment building. Yes, I have the park which is better then anything else but MAN, I wish there was at least ONE decent restaurant around. Also, there are absolutely no grocery stores around. Everything is in Park Slope which is not at all that easy to get to. I'm hungry and the only way I can get food is if I make it a 2 and a half hour adventure complete with several subway transfers. ugh.

-My room mates not telling me about serious apartment remodeling. I get woken up too early to the sounds of drilling, scraping, pounding outside my room. Get outta bed to see what's going on and no one is home but there is a strange man in my living room looking at me in my PJs. Get home from work, no one is home but there is a different strange man painting my bathroom. Not to mention I had to GO.

-Wishing I had someone to cook for. I spend lots of free time reading foodie blogs and recipes online and wishing so badly I had someone to make all the delicious food for. Once you realize you don't, all motivation to cook goes out the window.

-Then, when I do somehow manage to hold onto a little bit of that motivation and decide to just cook for myself anyways, I walk to the kitchen and look at what a disaster my room mates left behind and then that motivation is definitely gone.

-Not being able to have a fucking drink on nights like these. I want a glass of wine or 6 and cannot yet legally go across the street and get one. I work a lot and can get really stressed out at times yet I can not unwind with a beer afterwards.

Grrrrr! I need a hug...


zollicoffer said...

i'll give you a hug.

still in dallas.

we need to figure something out.


Mike White said...

work appreciates you. JB gives good hugs.

dannypaws said...

Welcome to New York. Suck it up.