Sunday, September 14, 2008

A favor?

I need someone to do me a favor, I need someone to grab the new city pages EVERY wednesday and email me my horoscope (pisces).

I need need need this.

thank you.

ps. whoever does this will get some kind of present someday I'm sure. Seriously though, it would mean alot to me. And you can start by telling me my horoscope from last Wednesdays issue.


Anonymous said...

Because I love you and want to make your life REALLY easy:

Scandrea said...

See, I still can't find it. I looked on the city pages website already and I can't find the astrology anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Did you click on the link I sent?

Go to and search: horoscopes

Let me know if that doesn't work.

Scandrea said...

I tried the link, I've searched ALL over the web page but I cannot find the most recent horoscopes I can find random ones from the past but not this weeks.

dannypaws said...

09-18-08 PISCES

In a story about author Gore Vidal in "The Independent", Archie Bland reported an event that happened just after Vidal's parents were married. While traveling to their honeymoon, dad told mom, "There's something very important I want you to know". Mom grew radiantly expectant, imagining he was about to profess his love with a thrilling intensity. But dad had something else in mind. "I have three balls", he confessed. In the coming week Pisces, I suspect that one of your expectations will meet a fate similar to mom's hope. But don't fret. In the long run, the revelations that will come are likely to be more interesting and valuable to you than the "I have three balls" shocker.

dannypaws said...
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dannypaws said...

09-24-08 PISCES

Here's one way to reduce global warming: inject huge amounts of sulfur into the atmosphere. So says Professor Tim Flannery, an Australian sustainability activist. What's the best way to accomplish that? Add sulfur to jet fuel. The atmosphere would repel a portion of the sun's rays, leading to an effect called "solar dimming". Oh, by the way: As a side effect the planets sky would probably turn yellow - a rather extreme shift, Flannery acknowledges, but necessary if we want to save our environment. Are you contemplating an equally drastic step in your own personal sphere, Pisces? Before you decide to go in the direction, why not try a series of smaller, incremental actions with less dramatic consequences.

dannypaws said...

10-01-08 PISCES

Blessings will come if you cultivate as much stillness as possible. I'm not just talking about reducing noise levels, although that's a good first step. Other things you might want to do: Cut way down of your use of the phone; text message sparingly; surf the internet 70 percent less than usual; avoid watching TV news altogether; and don't hang around people whose minds zip around like chimps on meth. As far as your own monkey mind: See if you can enjoy some periods each day when the monkey gets to lie down in a soft place and watch the wide sky roll by.

dannypaws said...
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dannypaws said...

10-08-08 PISCES

In her poem "Pure", Kate Knapp Johnson speaks of "those who made me real to myself". I invite you, Pisces, to take inventory of the people in your life who've made you real to yourself. That would be excellent homework for you to do during the phase of intensified intimacy you're now in - a time when your allies are making even you even more real to yourself than you've ever been, as well as a time when you will be returning the favor to them.

dannypaws said...

10-15-08 PISCES

In medieval Europe, more resources and human ingenuity were lavished upon cathedrals and churches than any other buildings. In the last hundred years, the emphasis has been different, having switched to the towering structures that house institutions dedicated to commerce. By that measure, Money is a far more important God than God. During the next few weeks, Pisces, I invite you to buck the modern trend. As an experiment, see if you can devote at least one more percent of your energy and intelligence to matters of the spirit and soul than to the demands of the material realm. I suspect you'll find, ironically, that this will lead to the increase of your mastery over the material realm.

dannypaws said...

10-22-08 PISCES

Uranus symbolizes your instinct for freedom, your drive to express your dormant genius, and your attunement with your intuition. Saturn represents structure and responsibility; when it's prominent, it's time to get back to basics and cut down on distractions and excesses. So what should you do when these two planets are in exact opposition, as they are now? Here's one hint: We're all being squeezed between a mandate to head toward the frontier and the pressure to play it safe. To keep from being paralyzed, some of us may have to choose one way over the other. In my opinion you Pisceans are likely to profit from the Uranian path.